Andrea Dingwell
Nagy Properties

Getting Ready for Professional Pictures


  • DE-CLUTTER the house. Remove all excess items. A cluttered home feels chaotic and small, but a bare house feels empty and cold. Find a happy medium.
  •  OPEN all curtains/blinds to let natural light in.
  • TURN ON all lamps, chandeliers and other lighting. Make sure all light bulbs are working and bright.
  • TURN OFF ceiling fans.
  • CLEAN UP: The house doesn’t have to be spotless, but make sure all trash is cleared, carpets are vacuumed, wood floors mopped. Put remote controls, trash cans, and cords out of sight.
  • KITCHEN: Clear off countertops including cookware, knives, appliances, paper towels, etc. Make sure refrigerator/freezer is free of magnets and pictures. Remove dishes from sink. Move trashcan to garage.
  • BEDROOMS: Make beds. Clear bedside tables. Take down any personal items that you do not want to be photographed. Close dresser drawers and pick up any clothes. Remove hamper.
  • BATHROOMS: Remove all toiletries from showers, countertops, etc.  Remove used towels and place fresh towels in the bathrooms. Clean toilets, bathtubs, mirrors, and sinks. Put down toilet lid.
  •  DINING ROOM: Keep dining room table clear or you may have a simple center piece and set the table. Remove any high chairs/booster seats.
  • ENTRY WAY: Remove shoes, jackets, keys, sunglasses, etc.
  •  PETS: Please put pets in a safe place that will no be photographed. Remove pet crates, bowls, beds, litterbox, food containers, leashes, etc.



  • REMOVE tools, toys, garden hoses or other objects.
  • SWEEP front walkway and clean up after pets.
  • TRIM the lawn, hedges, or trees as needed.
  • MOW and edge lawn.
  • REMOVE CARS from driveway.
  • REMOVE TRASHCANS from side of home so they are out of sight (in garage or at curb)
  • CLEAN patio furniture, grill (undercover if good condition), etc. Place outdoor pillows on furniture.
  • AVOID scheduling a photo session on trash day.


NOTE: The garage is typically not photographed and can be used to store items you remove from inside and outside home.